Data type
A color.
Color is based on the RGB color model (e.g., see Wikipedia for an overview). For each channel red, green, and blue, Color has an attribute R, G, and B that gives the intensity of the channel. Intensities are given as values of UnsignedByte, i.e., integers in the range [0, 255].
Attributes (data)
Name |
Multiplicity |
Type |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Simplified Literals¶
Within this specification, we use the hexadecimal SVG representation of a Color (without the string delimiters) as a convenient literal to refer to that Color.
For example, #0000ff
refers to the Color blue with
, G=0
, and B=255
Mapping to SVG¶
There are several syntactical variants to map a Color to SVG. Here, we
use the RGB Hexadecimal Notation
with 6 digits as defined by [CSS Color 4]. It has the form
, where RR
, GG
, and BB
are 2-digit
hexadecimal representations of the integer values of the attributes R, G, and
B. Conventional hexadecimal digits are used: 0
, …, 9
, a
, …, f
Capitalized versions of the latter are also allowed: A
, …, F
. To ensure 2 digits for each
integer, a leading zero is added if required.
Consider the Color with R=0
, G=10
, and B=255
The hexadecimal representations of the attributes are 00
, 0a
, and ff
Hence, the SVG representation of the color is '#000aff'
Attribute (data)
The intensity of the blue channel of the Color.
Multiplicity: 1
Type: UnsignedByte
Attribute (data)
The intensity of the green channel of the Color.
Multiplicity: 1
Type: UnsignedByte
Attribute (data)
The intensity of the red channel of the Color.
Multiplicity: 1
Type: UnsignedByte