The objective of the DEXPI initiative is to develop and promote a general data exchange standard for the process industry, covering all phases of the lifecycle of a (petro-)chemical plant, ranging from specification of functional requirements to assets in operation. Currently, the focus of the DEXPI initiative is the exchange of Piping and Instrumentation diagrams (P&ID).
DEXPI arranges regular Hackathon events where software vendors are testing the compatibility of their DEXPI implementations together. This autumn the Hackathon event was hosted in Finland by VTT and Semantum.
In connection to the Hackathon THTH arranged half a day session “THTH meets DEXPI”. The purpose of this session was to inform THTH members about the status of the DEXPI work and give possibility for the Finnish companies to tell about their experiences and challenges of the usage of Dexpi/Proteus specification. The hackathon representatives from the major engineering design system vendors Autodesk, Aveva, Hexagon, Siemens and X-Vision were also participating the meeting. Reiner Meyer-Rössl from Autodesk and Micheal Wiedau from Evonik introduced DEXPI for the Finnish audience (Fortum, ABB, Åf-Pöyry, Cadmatic, Semantum, VTT). Timo Syrjänen from Åf-Pöyry in turn gave feedback to the DEXPI Hachathon participants about latest DEXPI tests.

At the end of the meeting DEXPI and THTH agreed to deepen collaboration and decided to prepare and sign a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding).