Both DEXPI import and export are available for AVEVA PID. AVEVA Diagrams supports only DEXPI export.
Email: dexpi@aveva.com
Email: dexpi@aveva.com

DEXPI export and import working for DEXPI 1.3 version.

Model Broker automatically generates dynamic process simulation models from P&IDs in DEXPI format. Different target simulation tools are supported, including tools used in power generation and petrochemical industries.
Email: gerardo.santillan@semantum.fi
Email: gerardo.santillan@semantum.fi

The library (C++, .NET, others on request) provides a complete implementation of the DEXPI information model including graphics. The library considerably reduces the effort for implementing P&ID-related functions, such as DEXPI export and import for existing tools. Graphics formats for export include SVG and PDF. The pnb Toolbox is a standalone verificator and viewer for DEXPI P&IDs that is based on the library. The base version is free-of-charge.
Email: info@plants-and-bytes.de
Email: info@plants-and-bytes.de

Smart P&ID (SPID) has a ISO 15926 Export Utility and a DEXPI Postprocessor for SPPID versions 11 and earlier with default configuration. MS Excel is needed to edit the configuration file for the DEXPI Postprocessor. We have a mapping aid (Excel sheet) and a user guide available to help the user with the configuration. The current DEXPI Postprocessor needs SPID 11, SPPID 2014 R1, but we have also a version available for SPPID 2009.
Email: Jaime.Thos@hexagon.com
Email: Jaime.Thos@hexagon.com

X-Visual can import and export DEXPI.
Email: dexpi@x-visual.com
Email: dexpi@x-visual.com