DEXPI update call 2023-02
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI update call. All DEXPI members are invited to join this meeting. The members will receive the dialin information separately.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI update call. All DEXPI members are invited to join this meeting. The members will receive the dialin information separately.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI content team meeting. The members of the content team will receive the dial-in information separately.
This year, the DEXPI Management Meeting is organized by BAYER. Details will be sent to all DEXPI member companies.
The meeting has been cancelled.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI content team meeting. The members of the content team will receive the dial-in information separately.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI content team meeting. The members of the content team will receive the dial-in information separately.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI update call. All DEXPI members are invited to join this meeting. The members will receive the dialin information separately.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI content team meeting. The members of the content team will receive the dial-in information separately.
The DEXPI meeting on 15. of June has been cancelled.
This is a calender entry for an internal DEXPI content team meeting. The members of the content team will receive the dial-in information separately.