Specifications – old

The DEXPI Verificator
The verificator can produce an HTML verification report (model structure and detected errors) and a separate error log (xlsx spreadsheet; can be read with recent versions of LibreOffice or Excel, for example) for a Proteus XML file. Available as command line or GUI tool. More Info: Verificator website hosted by AixCAPE

The DEXPI project produces informal and formal specifications for the data-exchange in the process industry.

The current DEXPI Specification can be found on Github: https://github.com/dexpi

The DEXPI Sandbox


The DEXPI Export Verificator

The DEXPI Information Model

The DEXPI group has agreed about the concentration on a first exemplary Process and Instrumentation Diagram for the application of data exchange:



P&ID – Piping example based on ISO 10628:
